This was actually a little more difficult than I had originally thought. Well, no that's not entirely true. It was pretty easy until I had a flair-up the other day, after that it was quite... Interesting. So with out farther adieu, here are my random acrostic-esque words.
- C - constant
- H- hope
- R- rising
- O- over
- N- no
- I - improvement (or)
- C- cure
- A- and
- L- listening (and)
- L- learning
- Y- you
- A- are
- W- what
- E- encourages
- S- spoonies
- O- over
- M- miles
- E- everywhere
- E- ever
- P- perplexing
- I- illness
- L- leveling
- E- entire
- P- pathways,
- S- short-circuiting
- Y- you
- E- excruciating
- A- and
- T- testing
- I- illness
- N- never
- G- granting
- D- dreams.
- I- incessant
- S- serpent
- O- owning
- R- reality,
- D- decaying
- E- every
- R- real
- S- sentiment
This one I did not come up with. It is perfect, so I'm not going to mess with it ;)
- A- always
- U- unique,
- T- totally
- I- interesting,
- S- sometimes
- M- mysterious
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