
Welcome to The Sapling Stories! Growing awareness from mere saplings of hope.

Growing hope while raising awareness is our goal! This is a place to find helpful links and articles, support, resources, and some much needed comedic relief. We focus on eating disorders, chronic illnesses, special needs, and disabilities. So explore and enjoy!

Sapling Stories focuses on a few key points: 

- Parenting: Well duh, I'm a parent so it's only natural that I'm interested in "parenting" things. If I come across something that I found helpful, I will pass it along.

Special Needs/Disabilities: My sister has severe autism, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. I grew up immersed in that world, and I am better because of it. Unlike most siblings of special needs children, my sister was/is not high-functioning and as a child she was very violent. I would love to meet other people who have special needs siblings!

- Chronic Illnesses: I have them and find that support and education is essential.

- Eating Disorders: I am an eating disorder survivor and I find that there are far too many myths and misconceptions surrounding them. Everyone knows about eating disorders, but few people actually KNOW about them.

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